Erotique Mates Image Standards

When uploading a photo to either your Main profile picture, Public or Private albums and video albums, please follow the rules listed below. Photos that violate the guidelines will be denied and your account may be suspended.
Main Profile Pictures.
Photos can include.
Photos must include yourself.
Only pictures of actual (adults 18+)people
You cannot post pictures of females if you are male or male if you are female, transgender can post to what gender they identify as.
All picture should be of very high quality and good taste
Clothed photo of body without your face.
Houses, Cars, Yachts are allowed if you're present in the photo.
We don't allow lingerie, swimwear or underware in main profile picture pictures.
Photos of your body with all private parts fully covered by
Topless images, including nipples, area allowed only in Album section and must be marked as containing adult content (18+),
Males must have shirts on in main profile pictures. ( you can post shirt off pictures in your photo album).
Topless images, including nipples, area allowed only in Album section and must be marked as containing adult content (18+)
Photos Not Allowed.
Avatars are not allowed on Erotique Mates,
you cannot post pictures of females if you are male or male if you are female, transgender can post to what gender they identify as.
Any photos that don't feature yourself. This includes stock/celebrity photos.
Extreme Closeup photos- photos focused solely on lips/hands/feet/chest will be denied.
Photos including children.
No generic pictures of city or landscapes.
Sexually explicit photos.
No exposed anus or exposed genitalia. No exceptions, even if nothing is exposed, there needs to be some sort of garment worn (e.g., underwear, bikini, thong, etc.).
Images where the subject is wearing something below the waist, but still leave genitalia, the anus, or pubic hair partially exposed are not allowed.
Clothing that clings to the genital region that is somewhat transparent is not allowed.
You can only post pictures of yourself, no graphics, meme
Photos containing or depicting illegal content.
Duplicate photos.
Photos from other members on Erotiquemates.
Copyrighted photos from any website.
Improperly rotated or cropped images.
Contact information or logos.
No images of people in children clothes or wearing diapers, (this is not a ABDL site ABDL imagery is not allowed).
No picture just only showing crotch area or showing dick print through clothes,
No URLs or advertisement in any images
It is the discretion of Erotique Mates to remove any image or video for any reason with no notice.