If you have any complains please contact us by either submitting a helpdesk support ticket or contacting us by our contact form.
All complains will be reviewed within 2 business days and it may take up to 7 business days to be fully resolved.
The preferred method of contact is through our Help Desk
or you can use our Contact page (using the contact page may delay the review process)
If you like to issue a complaint about another site member for whatever reason, please use the report button on the persons profile this is how we track individual member infractions, do not create a help desk ticket or submit a contact form, you will only be directed to use the Report button on the person profile, (see image below).

You must supply documentation to support your complaint, site support will contact you within the next 2 business days and resolution within 7 business days. you will be notified by site support that we are reviewing your complaint and any outcome.
Possible outcomes of a report can range from
1- Major Site Violations, this will result in the immediate banning of the offending member (harassment, threats, physical violence will result in immediate banning)
2- Minor Site Violations 1: Member given a site violation for each infraction up to 3 violations that will result with the person being banned from the site (sending unsolicited pictures/videos that the receiving member finds offensive, offensive language, solicitations of any kind, posting contact information in areas not allowed, spamming)
3- Minor Site Violation 2: Offending member will be contacted, and warning given and may also result in being given a site violation. (posting images and videos not allowed as main profile pictures or in photo albums.)
4- If for any reason we cannot verify your complaint it will closed.
5- People that have minor site complains against them can appeal the site decisions replying back to Support message to them about the complaint. if support finds that the appeal has merit any that violation will be removed, except for major site violations where all decisions are final, and there is no appeal.
For a more comprehensive look at site violations use this link SITE VIOLATIONS